Tony’s match-making is rejected by both parties.

Radio Times: David stands by his principles, and Tony hopes Cupid will hit the mark at Bridge Farm.

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  • Young Ben is worried about his big sister but she assures him she is not going to die. She is going to take it easy this morning and ask if she can submit her project late. She is disappointed about the ban that her father has imposed on Jude. Ruth is supportive of the ban; it must have been awful for David to witness the accident and he has the right to insist that Jude stays away.
  • Tony’s efforts at match-making are going awry. Patrick is coming to see the lagoons but Helen pleads too much work and does not stay to meet him. Leaving David to entertain Patrick, Tony finds an excuse to go to talk to Helen again. She sees through his plan; anyway, she has already started making cheese so is not available to show the visitor round.
  • Ruth reports that Pip was very quiet, almost ashamed. David admits that Jude made him so angry; he hopes this will bring Pip to her senses.
  • Tony does the tour himself, although stressing that it was all Helen’s idea. He won’t give up, inviting Patrick to stay for coffee and to meet Pat and Clarrie and, guess who, Helen. However Patrick explains that he is currently off women, having recently been let down by one.
  • Pip makes her peace with David but he explains how worried he was yesterday; he feels that Jude abused their hospitality by risking Pip’s life and he is therefore not welcome at Brookfield. She will have to accept that.

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