Torn between two lovers.

Radio Times: Torn between two lovers.

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  • Having spent half the night discussing the proposed expansion into direct selling of organic pork, Pat and Tony are trying to work out how to tell Tommy, over breakfast, as promised. The truth is neither Tommy nor Hayley have the time that it would need.
  • There are other early risers about. Shula and Daniel are watering the garden when to Shula’s surprise and Daniel’s delight, Alistair appears.
  • Tommy takes the verdict badly, even when his parents suggest a limited venture which would be more manageable. He stomps off to his room to play loud music.
  • With Daniel delivered to his nursery, Shula and Alistair can have a serious talk. He explains that he has seen Richard but they did not fight, although perhaps they should have done. He feels that Richard took advantage, although Shula does not welcome being cast as the innocent victim. She has been unfaithful to Alistair and deceived him, for which she is sorry, but she is with Richard now, they are in love. Alistair seeks a denial that she never loved him; he still wants her and he is sure that she doesn’t know what she wants. This a pretty accurate assessment! When Alistair has gone Richard gets a call.
  • Tommy is calmer having thought over what Pat and Tony have said. They are right, neither he nor Hayley have the time. However, he has an alternative solution. It is quite simple, he will give up college, which he does not enjoy, to work on the farm where he is needed.
  • Richard also has a very simple solution to put to Shula. There is too much baggage for them to be happy in Ambridge. Next week he will go to see about the opening in Manchester; if he gets the job he wants them to make a new start – together.

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