Wayne is an asset and business at The Bull goes from strength to strength. Helen feels pressure from all quarters but feel unable to confide in anyone.

Radio Times: Ed feels he is on the right track, and the Bull’s punters are not going hungry.

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  • David compliments Ed on his work and shares some of his concerns about the low yields from the new herd. While Ed encourages him that it’s still early days, he is also pleased that he left the industry, as he could not have continued to compete in the market with only a small herd.
  • Ursula’s constant low-level sniping and criticism about the housework is a step too far for Helen, who storms out in tears to go for a walk. She meets Pat who is pleased to see her. Lovely though it is that Helen has Ursula to help, Pat and Tony are never quite sure whether to contact her directly as Rob is acting as intermediary. Pat invites Helen in for lunch which she accepts. Talk turns to the home birth and Pat is surprised when Helen says she has not yet made preparations. When Pat suggests hospital would be safer and she is sure that Rob would agree, Helen is distraught. It is her body, her baby and why can’t everyone leave her alone?
  • Jolene has overheard Justin and Lilian discussing Borsetshire Business Woman of the year which sparks an idea about Fallon. She has worked so hard to establish herself – and not just the tearooms and upcycling, but the wedding catering too. Kenton is less enthusiastic and does not think Fallon’s enterprises, good as they are, are quite in the league of the award.
  • David and Ed have lunch in The Bull and compliment Kenton and Jolene on their booming business and tempting new menu. An innocent query from David about corresponding increased profits is interpreted by Kenton as David referring to his loan. The green-eyed monster continues to bother Kenton, as Jolene offers some of Wayne’s ideas to the menu. Compliments on the food from both David and Ed, further exacerbate Kenton’s irritability over Wayne’s presence.

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