While Helen leaves the children alone in the car (why?) Rob appears and abducts Jack.

Radio Times: Pat needs to iron things out, and Roy is feeling sensitive.

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  • Pat is worrying about her visit to Kirsty but Helen says she can look after the children. Henry is being annoying by opening the door and saying it is windy but he’ll help look after Jack. They are off to Penny Hassett for pizza. Helen does say it is important that Pat talks to Kirsty. Even ignoring the history with Tom, the baby is going to be one of the family. She’ll have to tread carefully.
  • Kate has also been to visit Kirsty and is encouraging her to think it is a wonderful thing. Roy appears on his birthday. He was wanting to go out but now he is embarrassed about Susan spreading the word that he is boring – not that he was deliberately being boring to put her off.
  • Pat and Kirsty do meet. Kirsty is adamant that this doesn’t mean that there is any change between her and Tom. Pat agrees. None of them want to put any pressure on her at all. Kirsty is happy to see Pat. She admits she was nervous. Pat says she isn’t going to be an interfering Grandmother but Kirsty says she is really pleased to know they are there with her family so far away. When Pat goes to go home, her battery is flat.
  • Kate and Roy have a drink in the pub. Kate tells him that he can find someone with a positive attitude. Kate grabs his phone. He has to hang in there. She finds some people that look like great matches. Kate thinks she can find the girl of his dreams.
  • Later, in the car, Henry is fussing about it being windy again and missing his books. Helen says she’ll go to get them leaving the children in the car. Rob turns up and takes Jack from the car. Henry wants to go with him but Rob has to say he isn’t Henry’s father. He’ll understand when he’s older.

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