Helen fights to get Jack back, she succeeds and threatens Rob with telling people about the flood.

Radio Times: Helen is on a mission, and a fallen tree causes chaos.

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  • Henry is running after Daddy to find him. Helen gets back to the car to find both of them gone but she finds Henry quite quickly. She gets out of him the Rob has taken Jack. Henry tells her he wanted to go too but he couldn’t follow him because it was too dark. The car is down the lane. Helen dashes after him.
  • Pat has no luck starting the car so Kirsty says she will drop her off at Bridge Farm. The weather is dreadful so Kirsty is driving carefully and they are just gossiping about Roy and Tracy. Josh and Tom are also heading for Bridge Farm to look at a trailer although there is a branch down at Sawyers and they are gossiping about the vintage tractor. Some crazy driver charges in front of Josh but he doesn’t see who it was. Josh comments he won’t get far and Rob is, indeed, stuck by the tree. Helen and Henry catch up with him and try to block him in. She tries to get him out of the way to get Jack back from the car and they get into a fight. Rob won’t give him up. She isn’t going to take him now.
  • Pat and Kirsty arrive on the scene. What is going on? Henry tries to join in and kick him. Rob goes for Henry too. Kirsty tells Pat to call the police. Helen tells her not to. Rob isn’t going anywhere. He hasn’t got a plan. What was he going to do? Drive until he ran out of petrol? Or was this just an act of revenge? Helen tells him she knows why Justin fired him. She knows what he did in the flood. All those people who lost their homes and how would he ever face Bert Fry. He is finished here. Rob is going to open the car and give Jack back. Rob reluctantly does and Pat goes to get Jack from the car. Rob sounds devastated to see Jack going. He asks to say goodbye. Helen says no. He has to go right away or Helen will destroy him.
  • Back at the farm they are settling Jack but Henry is still really upset. Tom insists that they should call the police. Helen won’t. He’s gone. They won’t catch him now. Pat and Kirsty agree the police should be called so Helen says they can call if they want. But Helen doesn’t really care. The boys are safe and Rob is out of her life forever.

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