Will helps to solve the Grundys’ imminent accommodation needs.

Radio Times: Will has an idea, and it does not take much to rile Pip.

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  • Eddie is nursing a sore head after celebrating his new business idea last night. No sympathy from Clarrie, who points out that it is just that: an idea, and there is no sign of a new business. She is not happy with his repair on the kitchen wall as the paint texture is mismatched. Having stayed at Grange Farm rent-free, the least they can do is restore the property to the condition they found it in, and that will mean buying the exact match of paint, no expense spared. Clarrie already feels they have taken advantage of Caroline and Oliver’s goodwill, since, unbeknown to the Sterlings, the property has also hosted pigs, bullocks and the cider club, during their tenure. Eddie promises to fix the problem today, but Clarrie later returns to discover that rather than buying the chalky finish paint required for the job, Eddie has attempted to cobble together his own recipe – adding flour to the existing paint – to save a few quid. The result is disastrous, leaving Clarrie horrified.
  • Pip is still learning the ropes with the mob grazing and Ruth turns up to lend a hand. Final touches are being put in place for Open Farm Sunday and while Pip is determined to make it their best one yet, Josh has no interest in being a team player. He’s positioned his display boards and egg-mobile on the main gate to guarantee a captive audience. Pip feels he is disproportionately promoting his eggs above other Brookfield products, which was not the agreement for the themed day. Some of his quality claims are questionable too, should advertising standards get hold of it. Ruth worries that Pip has over-reacted and that she may be struggling with having broken up with Matthew. She offers her support if Pip ever wants to talk, which Pip brushes off.
  • Business is doing well at The Bull, which is also offering a packed lunch service for the Queen’s Birthday celebrations. The Bull has been shortlisted for the Ambridge Food and Drink Awards, alongside Fallon for the tearooms. With praise for Wayne’s menu still abounding, Kenton resents any compliments in his direction and quips that Wayne’s head is often elsewhere since becoming involved with ‘this Beverley’. Jolene reminds Kenton that since she had a word, Wayne does spend less time on his phone and that Kenton really does have nothing to worry about.
  • Will takes Clarrie for lunch and shares an idea he has been mulling over. He knows that she, Eddie and Joe have been worrying about their future accommodation and Will’s rented property on The Green is due to become available. It would mean them hanging on a bit longer at Grange Farm, if Caroline and Oliver agree. The only snag is there would not be enough space for Ed, Emma and the children, but they have spoken about the possibility of moving back in with Susan, so Will’s plan could be a viable one.

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