01 July 1997

Characters: , , , , , ,
  • Preperations for the open day at Home Farm are well advanced.
  • David is at Home Farm for a meeting with Brian, although Brian isn’t there for a meeting with David, he’s in Felpersham for a meeting with someone else …. David’s digging about the mysterious offer on the estate land, Debbie knows nothing and we get the feeling that David thinks Brian is involved in some capacity.
  • Lynda’s discussing with Sean her ideas for the set. He’s a little less keen on the various concepts and ideas she’s suggesting. Especially, as when he points out that Hermia is meant to be shorter than Helena, whereas Hayley certainly isn’t shorter than Kate, she suggests a series of strategically placed hillocks ….
  • Eddie’s going to stand in with Kate – won’t she be pleased!
  • Jennifer’s concerned at how long Kate’s traveller friends are going to be around and what the future might hold for Kate. Although, in the short term, everyone seems to be a little less than amused at her monotony over the issue of the by-pass ….

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