07 April 1997

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  • Eddie and Joe come gloating to the estate office wanting to know when they are going to be getting new buildings and compensation for loss of business. Graham’s stalling them with legal excuses but Eddie parts with a promise that more wavering willx mean more compensation.
  • Simon is less than happy with David and uses the excuse of slightly higher than average spraying costs to try and beat him around a bit. He feels betrayed by the lack of loyalty from someone with a hefty contract with the estate.
  • David claims to understand his position but defends himself, that the Grundys are not necessarily the total dinosaurs that Simon paints them. Simon threatens to bring up the terms of contract and the meeting ends badly.
  • Susan’s phoned in sick and Simon makes some veiled threats over that too.
  • Debbie and Ruth meet in The Bull and agree that they don’t want Simon and David to get in the way of their friendship. Ruth calls Simon Debbie’s boyfriend and Debbie’s unsure about that. Simon comes in and completely ignores Ruth before having lunch with Debbie.
  • David’s very flustered and while he can’t deny his point over the Grundys he wants to maybe involve Phil. Ruth mentions Simon’s behaviour and they’re generally negative about him.
  • The Grundys are arranging a celebratory party for The Bull tomorrow.
  • Debbie and Simon exchange thoughts if not actually heated words. He apologises for being a little rude and promises to apologise to Ruth and she admits that it must be hard being Ambridge’s Mr Unpopular. She claims to be on both sides, something he can’t see. She ends by asking him to really soul search. Doesn’t he understand what it feels like to really belong somewhere and what is it that he really wants?

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