Kirsty finds an orphan. Helen thinks Kirsty isn’t over Tom.

Radio Times: Brookfield gets a new resident.

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  • As Helen and Kirsty chat in the shop, Helen comments that Kirsty can talk about nothing other than Tom and Brenda’s burgeoning relationship. Without conviction, Kirsty insists it’s only because Brenda is her friend, and she needs to look out for her.
  • David is exhausted. After spending several hours in Lynda’s company, watching out for the 4x4s on the bridle path and listening to all her opinions, he’s done a long stint in the lambing shed.
  • Kirsty and Sam discover an abandoned Muntjac faun. When Josh hears about it, he wants to adopt it. Phil tells him that it may not be abandoned, and that they should leave it alone, but Alistair thinks it’s probably the offspring of the hind he dealt with on Sunday, and will almost certainly die. But Josh insists, and David gives in, against all advice.
  • Mike is very low. Mail keeps coming for Betty, and he doesn’t know what to do with it. Hayley is enjoying doing the Farmers’ Market in Betty’s place, but hasn’t got time to keep the house as Betty did. When she suggests a cleaner, Mike is upset. But he recognises how much Hayley is doing, and offers to babysit so that she and Roy can go out.

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