Emma throws a tantrum. Darrell throws up. Mike throws a double top.

Radio Times: Darrell does the dirty work. Meanwhile, Emma starts to feel better about things.

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  • Surly Emma gives Ed a very hard time when she hears he has been asked to play for the darts team. The news of Will and Nic’s baby continues to rankle with her and she is furious that he is going to The Bull leaving her at home to do the chores.
  • An anxious Darrell gets his orders from Des. As well as seeing the punters’ cars in he must clean up afterwards, and Darrell is very uneasy about what is taking place. When he discovers exactly what is taking place, he is physically sick.
  • Clarrie calls to see Emma, bringing presents for the children, and tactfully tells her how special George will always be as the first grandchild, and Keira as the first granddaughter. This seems to appease Emma, who is unexpectedly cheerful by the time Ed returns.
  • Mike’s winning throw secures a victory for The Bull team, and after a suitable celebration, Neil and Ed walk home. On the way they are nearly mown down by vehicles speeding away from the illegal venue at Home Farm, and it looks as though Darrell knows the drivers. He is in a sorry state, shaken and upset, so Neil suggests that they go to his shed and talk about it.
  • Darrell admits that he copied the keys to Brian’s barn, and that Pit Bull fighting has taken place. He is very distressed about the terrible injuries the dogs received, and terrified that he has got himself into a situation he has no hope of escaping. The speeding cars were a warning. What is he to do?

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