Helen’s suggestion could have profound and unintended consequences.

Radio Times: Ian is keen to move forward

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  • Adam tells Ian that he may be getting two replacement quad bikes from Josh. Ian is planning to call into Grey Gables to check on new staff. He’s also having coffee with Helen. They will surely discuss the matter of surrogacy. It’s quite obvious that he and Adam are still unsure about the best way to make arrangements and Helen may well be able to shine a light on their difficulties.
  • Brian calls into Bridge Farm for some cheese. Helen asks how plans for Alice and Kate’s joint birthday are going. He recounts the tale of Alice deciding to shed unwanted items, his golf clubs in particular. He mentions her wish for honest opinions of her character as a birthday gift. Helen agrees that it could make for an “interesting” occasion. When she raises the issue of his press photograph, he insists on changing the subject.
  • At Bridge Farm, Ian has been chatting to Pat while waiting for Helen. She appears with Jack who is whisked away by Pat while the two friends talk. Ian explains that they’re having real difficulty in settling on a trustworthy but unknown surrogate. Helen then drops her bombshell. She will act as surrogate providing that they use a donated egg. Ian is stunned. “No, they couldn’t” he flusters. Helen asks him to think about the possibility, seriously.
  • Adam and Brian are out deer hunting. They quietly discuss Kate’s possible mid-life “birthday” crisis. It’s all far too quiet at home. Adam settles on a deer, just as his phone registers receipt of a text, loudly. He tells Brian that it’s Ian. Adam can’t believe that Helen has offered surrogacy nor that Ian has been idiotic enough to let it get that far. He settles to his shot and is rewarded with a clean kill. Swearing Brian to secrecy he plans to speak to Ian and find out exactly what’s going on.
  • Mentioning that Ian looked preoccupied when he left, Pat was in no way prepared for Helen’s answer. She can’t believe that Helen would make such an offer. It doesn’t need to be her and worse, it shouldn’t be, given her history of pre-eclampsia. Helen is quite sanguine and accuses Pat of negativity. Helen’s life is much different now, there should be fewer problems. The conversation between Ian and Adam is no easier. Even though Ian says that the plan was hers, Adam thinks it a terrible idea. Helen is still in a brittle state. They must go round and talk her out of it. Ian disagrees. She’s their best bet yet!
  • Pat is hardly lost for words. The whole enterprise needs to be thought through so carefully. Helen must remember how she felt when she risked losing Henry and Jack. She must think very carefully what she wants to get out of this and put her health and wellbeing first, not Ian’s. Very calmly, Helen tells her mother that whatever happens, it will be her decision. She will not be told what to do by anyone. She has the choice and she will be in control. When Pat backs off, saying that she can see how her daughter feels, Helen is quite adamant. Whatever her decision, it’s up to her and no one else. OK?

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