Adam has labour troubles. Kenton has vegetable troubles. Mike finds respite from his troubles.

Radio Times: Kenton rounds up the troops.

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  • Kenton is a man with a mission; organising the Vegetable Olympics for the village fête. His first call is at Grange Farm, where Mike and Oliver are driving the cows in for milking. Oliver opts out, but Mike is keen to join in the fun.
  • As soon as David gets back from the Royal, Adam calls to check on the barley. They decide it’s not ready for combining yet. Adam has his customary whinge about Brian’s lack of trust in him and his heavy workload. David comments that Sam is head over heels about Kirsty.
  • Oliver is grateful for Mike’s help and experience, especially when he shows Oliver how to persuade a reluctant milker to let her milk down. Oliver had decided Joe isn’t up to the morning milking, so he’ll take it on, but doesn’t know how to break this to Joe. Meanwhile the bottling and pasteurising plants are ready for use. Mike suggests asking Brookfield to take some of their surplus milk for their calves.
  • Adam continues his whingeing. He’s lost two pickers and a third, Mikola, is giving trouble. David shows a hint of sympathy, but no more. Kenton gets little joy when he tries to recruit them both for his Olympics.
  • Adam rings Ian to put off the meal Ian was to cook for him. Whinge number 3 is that Mikola was trying to lead a walkout. Ian isn’t worried. Now they’re communicating again, he says, all they need to do is find time to sit and talk about the baby. Adam’s response is decidedly frosty. Then Kenton arrives, still in pursuit of Vegetable Olympians; Adam loses it completely and orders him to go.

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