Adam is feeling sorry for himself in The Bull but refuses to move back to Home Farm.

Radio Times: Adam keeps his distance, and Carol teases Jill.

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  • Alice is getting ready for her 28th birthday party by borrowing Brian’s barbecue. She has invited a lot of guys from her new firm including her delectable double first from Cambridge boss. He has said he’ll try to look in. Jennifer says she is too old for partying but she stresses that Adam must be invited. Poor thing is looking so miserable. Alice mutters that he’ll come if he wants to but is clearly not keen. He only has himself to blame.
  • Susan enjoys making mischief by suggesting the Jill cheated at the Flower and Produce Show. Jill is mortified. Carole joins them in the shop and pretends she is still upset about it. What are they going to do?
  • Adam bumps into Alice trying to dismantle the barbecue. While he is helping she stresses that Adam shouldn’t feel he must come to the party. Adam realises that she is saying she doesn’t want him there. Adam says he knows it is fault and he brought it on himself. Alice shows herself up to be a total snob – Charlie was one thing but Pawel? Alice is shocked. She’d never cheat on Chris (conveniently forgetting her fling in Southampton).
  • Susan has another gossip in the shop with Jennifer, trying to find out the gossip about Ian and Adam. Susan had heard that Ian had chucked him out but Jennifer denies it. Susan then admits that she is nervous about the Ambridge calendar. She hasn’t dared look at it since Easter. Will the gold stars she had to stick on still be there? Jennifer says she think it is still stuck on on hers but it might not stay there once Ruairi comes home for half term. But Susan should be proud of her body.
  • Jill does her best to sort out the Flower and Produce mess. She has told the Echo about the mistake and they won’t print the photo. They won’t come out to take a new photo but the Village website will be corrected and so will the Show records. Carole keeps teasing that she doesn’t believe Jill which just causes Jill to get on her high horse about Toby.
  • Jennifer visits Adam at The Bull and tries to get him to move back to Home Farm. He won’t move. He says he is too ashamed to face the family over breakfast. Jennifer is shocked to hear about Alice’s reaction but even if it’s true, what about Lilian and Brian? Jennifer doesn’t think he is being fair but Adam says he’ll stay where he is.

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