Adam receives a legacy and Roy becomes emotional.

Radio Times: Fallon makes a decision. Meanwhile, things are difficult for Roy.

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  • Roy insists on confronting Elizabeth. She can spare an hour in the afternoon. That will have to do, replies a tense Roy.
  • Charlie is pushing Adam to cut maize even though the fields are soaked; Jennifer defends Adam’s reply that they should think about the neighbours’ objections to muddy roads. Charlie insists but Jennifer has a way to smooth Adam’s feathers. How would Adam like £5000?
  • The bakery has sacked Wayne; he blames Harrison. Wayne wants Fallon to talk to Emily since she has thrown him out. Jolene urges Fallon to reach out to Harrison but she storms out.
  • Adam did not like John Tregorran but he won’t refuse his gift. He doesn’t know how he will spend it although Ian has been talking about a holiday. Jennifer muses she might buy an old bookcase to have something tangible to remember John by. Adam points out that Jennifer will soon have something else to remind her of John: Carol is moving back to Ambridge. Jennifer is rattled, not least because Susan will be determined to dig up old scandals. Others might have reason to regret Carol coming back as well, murmurs Jennifer.
  • Geraldine has been offered the manager’s job. Elizabeth thinks this is a fine solution since Roy won’t have to work out his notice. Roy is outraged after all he has done for Lower Loxley and for Elizabeth. He is aggrieved and emotional. Roy has forgotten that he was to demand compensation and his feelings come to the forefront. He threatens to make everything public. Elizabeth points out that Roy will lose the respect of his children and endanger his marriage if he courts publicity.

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