Hayley decides Roy should sue Elizabeth for unfair dismissal and says she will call Usha.

Radio Times: Mungo’s naming day arrives, and Hayley lays down the law.

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  • The naming ceremony has been moved to the Dower House. Fallon and Emma are exhausted and Emma has all the worries about Ed’s herd. Lynda hadn’t heard about it. Lilian is impressed at the transformation and Emma has turned out to be great at gluten free pastry. Mungo is wearing Lilian’s matinee jacket.
  • Roy won’t stop going on about Geraldine getting his job. Hayley tries to force him to go back to the job but he won’t. So she says she isn’t going back either. She’ll work her notice but that’s it.
  • Leonie is very impressed with Fallon’s decoration. She had been thinking about starting her own business too though James didn’t think she could carry it through. Leonie suggests having a baby is the way to fulfilment.
  • Roy is wondering if Vicky knows. Hayley says not. Vicky is far too wrapped up in selling the house. But Hayley is more worried about what they are going to tell Mike and Vicky and the girls. It will be obvious that he isn’t going to work. She isn’t interested in his apologies. They need to move forward and Elizabeth is going to pay for this, one way or the other.
  • At the naming ceremony, Lynda reads a poem which makes Mungo cry. Lilian, however, talks about how she was a rubbish mother to James so she is planning to have more fun with Mungo instead and instantly turns to the bubbly. Then randomly Matt produces a knitted pot of flowers that he has told Leonie Lilian made. Lilian is understandably cross – particularly when it is suggested she should enter it into the flower and produce show!
  • Hayley thinks Roy should claim unfair dismissal. Roy thinks it’s water under the bridge but Hayley insists that he isn’t being treated fairly and needs to get some proper legal advice. Hayley says she will call Usha, although Roy is reluctant.

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