Ambridge takes on the world of Campanology.

Radio Times: Chris drops a clanger at the bell-ringing.

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  • It’s the day of the bellringing competition, and Shula calls at Lower Loxley first to look at Nigel’s team-chase course. The inspector has given him a list of things to attend to, but he’s looking forward to the team’s first practice at the stables on Friday.
  • Neil does not share Nigel’s enthusiasm for practices and competitions. He’s in a foul mood as he waits for Christopher, and snaps at Susan when she dares to voice her concerns for the future of the shop should the Post office close.
  • The Carters are the last to arrive, and Christopher immediately heads to the beer tent. When he does join the team, he’s not feeling too good, but gets little sympathy from Neil.
  • The competition goes well, and St. Stephen’s secures third place. The judges’ comments are encouraging, so Neil’s mood mellows, especially when they order drinks all round, courtesy of Alan and Usha. Christopher needs a brandy before he can face the thought of another bellringing session – but the idea of another beer-tent seems to cheer him up.

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