Oliver hangs back from making his decision. Roy raises insensitivity to new heights.

Radio Times: Oliver keeps quiet at Grange Farm.

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  • With Will still missing, it seems there is little sympathy for Ed. Roy has a major go at him, telling Ed he should have let things be and not taken up with Emma again. When Ed offers to come with Roy to look for Will, he’s told he’s done enough harm already.
  • Oliver is shocked when he sees Ed’s injuries, and when Ed tells him it was a fight, without going into details, Oliver starts to lecture him. But then Ed tells him the whole story, and Oliver is full of concern, though he does say he hopes Emma’s worth it.
  • Mike runs into David at the Bull, and comments on Fallon’s unhappy appearance. Mike can’t understand Will – he seemed happy enough with Nic. David’s more concerned with large bills for the Massey, and he can’t offer Mike much consolation or help over milk supplies.
  • Mike is shocked when Roy airily suggests that Oliver’s closing the dairy might be time for Mike to retire. He’s even more shocked when he sees David in a track suit and blond wig – they’re his Jimmy Savile outfit for the birthday party.
  • Caroline wonders why the Grundys haven’t reported Will missing. It’s different from Ed’s disappearance – he had nothing to come back to. Oliver thinks he might have gone to ground in case Ed presses charges for attempted murder. One thing’s certain; with things as they are for Ed, he can’t think of telling him about shutting the dairy.

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