Bethany Claire comes home.

Radio Times: Vicky is overcome with emotion. Meanwhile, Helen is doing good business.

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  • Tom and Helen are doing brisk business in the burger van outside Ambridge Organics for the start of Farmhouse Breakfast Week; porridge with a variety of toppings is particularly popular. In the shop, Kirsty has a customer who seems to be taking a lot of time.
  • David has delivered a piece of authentic farm equipment to The Bull but Kenton, finding it a bit too authentic, has hosed it down. Ed reports that he has held off broaching again with Mike the subject of the milk price but he feels rather in limbo as a result. He really appreciates Ruth’s help with the accounts. David has an idea for him: sheep shearing. He would have to get trained of course but David would be happy to keep the work local and he is sure that Adam would too; he would – Ed loses no time in asking him.
  • Bethany Claire has come home to be greeted by a banner that Hayley and Phoebe made, with hasty correction because they missed the ‘i’ from Claire; the correction hardly seems worth the bother since the new arrival is already being called Beth. Vicky seems more relaxed, if rather tired; the fact that Beth has not yet regained her birth weight is nothing to worry about: she will get there.

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