Brian finds he has time on his hands. Joe finds that he’s made a hit. Jennifer finds herself caught in the middle

Radio Times: Love is in the air for Mildred and Joe.

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  • Time hangs so heavily on Brian’s hands that he offers to help with the cooking. Jennifer quickly realises that he’s still smarting from Adam’s rejection of offers of help with the harvest, and tells him he needs to find something to fill his time. They are interrupted by Lynda, so Brian makes a very quick exit.
  • Lynda is in full self-righteous flood, and attacks Jennifer over the packhouse application. Jennifer tries in vain to defend herself, pointing out the difficulty of her position, but Lynda insists they are crippling Tony’s business. Poor Jennifer agrees, weakly, to speak to Brian again, but Lynda has more weapons to unleash; the matter of Joe’s rate for pony rides. Jennifer recovers her strength, and tells Lynda Joe has made a very good point about that.
  • Joe picks Mildred up in the trap, looking very smart. They are off to tea at Grey Gables, where Lynda haughtily orders Joe to move the trap. A row about his rates for transport ensues, with Joe winning the day by leaving Lynda almost speechless at being called a petrol-head.
  • True to her word, Jennifer has another go at Brian over the packhouse, but he insists it’s a business matter, not a personal one. Jennifer tells him she’s spoken to Adam, who will try to find Brian a job. Brian is still very sore about it all.
  • Joe and Mildred enjoy afternoon tea at Grey Gables, and Mildred tells him her trip has been made special by her meeting a special person. Joe wonders who it can be, until Mildred gently tells him it’s Joe Grundy.

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