Brian’s first family keeps him from his second; Simon adds to his discomfort.

Radio Times: Happy birthday, Brian.

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  • Debbie is demonstrating once again the endlessly appalling table manners of all Ambridge residents in the Bull. Simon has arranged for the survey of Honeysuckle Cottage. Debbie really hopes it works out. She is sure it’s the right thing for them. Debbie is suggesting some ideas on how Simon might spend his time but he seems to have thought of something all by himself beginning with J.
  • Alice recovers her voice in time to wrap Brian’s present and is looking forward to Simon helping her with her English (?). William turns up to visit Brian about the poachers last night. Alice seems to think he is very “fit”. But when Jennifer points out that he is too old and has a girlfriend she thinks maybe she will go after Ed.
  • William is now being asked to give the police a statement about the poachers but that will mean Greg is on his own for the shoot. Brian will have to sort it out so no popping over to Felpersham for him.
  • Brian is taking a very long time getting ready for his birthday supper and Alice is sent off to find him. And Jennifer seems a bit distracted too. Maybe it’s the website. Debbie thinks she ought to share out some of the load with other people in the village.
  • Simon takes the chance to “thank” Brian for his help with buying Honeysuckle Cottage. Brian makes the point that is for Debbie not him and he thinks it a pretty poor show that Simon can’t fund his own house purchase. Simon smirks that it can’t be hush money then. Well, they will just have to hope the survey goes well because if there are problems that will mean that will mean Brian has to put in less money but, oh dear, Siobhán will get less. Brian tries to bluster that what Siobhán gets is nothing to him. But Simon points out that life is full of conundrums. Happy Birthday Brian!

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