Brown Hairstreaks look like saving the day at Brookfield. Can anyone save the day at Loxfest?

Radio Times: There is bad news for Loxfest, but hope takes wing for the road protesters.

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  • The dismal duo Adam and David meet over the combine as Adam finishes Brookfield’s harvesting and have a stilted conversation about Charlie Thomas. Then Jill brings some good news; there has been a positive identification of Brown Hairstreaks at the proposed road site.
  • Lizzie and Roy deal with a difficult client, and Lizzie comments that Freddie has suddenly become very helpful around the estate. Maybe it was PC Burns’ intervention that led to this. Roy appears to agree. Then a phone call casts a major blight on their day: the lead singer with one of their headline bands has been questioned by the police for domestic violence. What are they to do? If they keep him it looks like condoning his actions and if the cancel it will ruin the festival.
  • As they gather eggs from Jill’s hens, Jill and Carol enjoy talking about old times in Ambridge. Jill plans to tidy Glebe Cottage up with a view to letting it. Carol offers to come with her. She loves the cottage, which reminds her of Dan and Doris, and finds it strange that Jill and Peggy should have found widowhood so lonely; she loves her own company. At John’s funeral she left the mourners and went alone to the ballroom to dream about dancing there alone. Could Jill have found a tenant without contacting Rodways?
  • To add to the gloom at Lower Loxley, the phone rings; it is The Echo. Masterful Roy will deal with them

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