Charlie comes down on Adam’s side. Toby makes a move on Pip.

Radio Times: Pip receives some friendly attention, while Brian gets the benefit of Charlie’s wisdom.

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  • Pip tells Ruth the barley is in at Brookfield. Heather is in her interim care home. She seems to quite like it. Usha has arrived in Jesmond to see Ruth too. Ruth tells her things with Heather went much better than she thought. But Heather clearly still thinks she is going home. Every assessment says she won’t ever be safe on her own. Even warden support won’t be enough. It will have to be a care home if Heather is determined to stay in Prudhoe. Ruth just feels terrible because she hasn’t told Heather yet.
  • Toby persuades Pip to help with the geese in return for a takeaway curry. Toby tries to make out that he will miss her when she goes to Brazil. He says he wants to take her out sometime as a thank you for helping him out. And then he kisses her.
  • Charlie is booking the important shoots for Justin. Brian thinks it should be possible. Charlie stays with Brian for a drink. Brian prefers hearing about Charlie’s ideas rather than Adam’s. Charlie says he thinks Adam has made the wrong decision but he appreciates the thought process behind it. Brian says that’s all very well but Adam wants to change everything at once and that is very dangerous. Charlie, however, says that Adam is a talented farmer and if Brian backs him he won’t let him down. And what’s the alternative? Bringing a complete stranger to run the farm?

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