Charlie lays his cards on the table. Lilian lays bare her soul.

Radio Times: Charlie speaks his mind, and Lilian is desolate.

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  • Adam encounters a depressed Lilian at The Bull. She claims to be getting some lunch, but from the clinking of bottles it seems likely to be a liquid one. David arrives, but Adam is too busy to stop and chat: Charlie Thomas wants his advice. After the way Adam has been treated, David is amazed that Adam should be so ready to come running when Charlie calls.
  • Jenny comments to Jill that Ambridge Organics looks brighter, and that the tensions at Home Farm continue. She excitedly tells Jill how successful her anti-Justin blog has been, airily ignoring the opposing views expressed on the blog. But someone has sent a photograph of the Brookfield Dairy cart, with a youthful Dan standing next to it.
  • Charlie and Adam discuss soil erosion and catch crops, but it soon becomes apparent that this is not what is really in Charlie’s mind. He tells Adam that his social life consists of flings and dating site encounters, but what he really wants is a committed relationship – and maybe he has met the right person at last. Adam gently lets Charlie know that he is settled in his relationship with Ian, though if this were not the case, who knows …
  • Jenny calls on a somewhat inebriated Lilian, but is more intent on wittering on about Radio Borsetshire than solving Lilian’s problems. Lilian tearfully tells her that everything Matt could possibly convert into cash has been taken, though she still has Amside. But instead of spending his retirement having fun with Lilian, Matt is in Costa Rica with another woman. Jenny suggests that she come to Home Farm for a while. Lilian is reluctant; Brian would not want that. You just leave Brian to me, says Jennifer.

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