Chris smooths the consequences from Alice’s drinking and Adam witnesses Lilian’s weakness when it comes to Matt.

Radio Times: Adam sees more than he should

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  • Chris brings water and aspirin to a badly hung over Alice while she is still in bed. Alice doesn’t remember even getting into bed and Chris tells her that he made sure she was safe. She is also late for a new client meeting, having overslept. Don’t worry, Chris reassures Alice; he’ll take care of everything.
  • Lilian and Adam talk village cricket. Adam is preparing a picnic for the pickers who will learn to play cricket whether they are interested or not. Lilian asks why Jennifer isn’t taking care of the food; isn’t that usually her job? Adam moans that he is the new dogsbody of the farm, hasn’t Lilian heard? Lilian tells Adam that she knows about the spat with Brian because Justin took Adam’s side. Lilian proposes Adam meet her for dinner this evening at Grey Gables; Justin has been called back to London.
  • Alice went back to sleep while Chris fixed her a bacon roll with brown sauce. Chris also rang the office and told them Alice had a stomach bug. He has rescheduled the meeting for first thing Monday morning. (On a bank holiday?) Alice is in luck as per usual. Alice swears she will never put Chris in that position again. Jennifer is coming round, Chris tells Alice. Alice wants to know if she had words with her mum last night but Chris says that Jennifer only wants to help tidy up. Alice doesn’t remember jumping out of the tree or insulting Emma. She promises to apologise.
  • Lilian is surprised to meet Matt at the development property she is inspecting. She asks when Matt is leaving for Costa Rica and he implies it is soon but doesn’t give any specifics. Matt proposes they join forces in a bid but Lilian laughs his suggestion off. She has had to learn to act on her own. A neophyte shows up to discuss the model apartment and Matt is rude to her. While Matt plays rough, Lilian is the good client. Later, Matt and Lilian laugh about their team work in getting a preliminary acceptance on the property for Lilian at a knock down price. Matt asks Lilian out for a drink. His last one with Lilian before he leaves.
  • When Adam shows up for the dinner, the receptionist tells him Lilian is in Mr. Crawford’s suite and the bottle of champagne has been sent up already. Shall she ring and tell them Adam is on his way up? No, thanks, Adam replies, I’ll go up and surprise them. In Matt’s suite, it is clear that he is intent on romance. Lilian says she must meet Adam as she is already late. She tells Matt that it is time to say farewell. He asks for one last hug and she agrees but then Matt asks for a kiss. For what we once were for each other, he claims. Matt says good-bye to Pusscat. She whispers, good-bye, Tiger, and dissolves in tears. She texts Adam that she is so sorry but she can’t make tonight. Oh, Lilian, mutters Adam. What are you doing?

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