Clarrie and Mike agree to let things pass. Phil and Jill are in competition for the Green fete prize.

Radio Times: Phil and Jill go green.

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  • Jill is collecting entries for the Flower and Produce show but Clarrie isn’t sure what she’ll get done. But the Green class sounds fun…. anything you like as long as it’s green. Jill is also rather curious about Ruth’s attitude to Sophie but Ruth thinks she didn’t get a word in edgeways. And later, Phil too is curious about whether they will see her again. Phil is certainly keen…
  • The dairy is doing really well. But Oliver recognises that they need to do something about the staffing situation until Ed is ready to come back. He’d like Mike to do it but Mike can’t do it AND sleep as well. Oliver suggests Jazzer for the job …. after all he’s up half the night anyway…. But they might also need help with the milking – maybe Neil could do it.
  • Phil is also planning on making a green cake for the fete, so Jill and Phil will be competitors. Jill thinks green colouring is the answer but Phil isn’t sure it’s even allowed – surely the point of being green is to be natural. So that’s a challenge then!
  • Oliver asks Mike to collect some extra cream pots from Bridge Farm but he’s embarrassed when only Clarrie is there to help him. But Clarrie seems to be able to settle him a little. He manages to tell her about his worries about Roy and Hayley leaving – just him rattling round in Willow Farm. And then they finally settle things – no reason not still to be friends.

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