Construction of the hen house isn’t going as smoothly as planned, courtesy of Toby; the new cows are proving to be a bit of a handful.

Radio Times: Josh has to use his initiative, while there appears to be no need to walk on eggshells around Bert.

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  • Toby arrives home, late for a meeting with Josh. He gives Rex the job of postponing by an hour and a half. Rex is concerned that this is no way to do business but Toby only sees Josh as just a school kid. Rex is more level headed. Josh is their business partner and importantly, is related to their landlords. Toby isn’t best pleased to hear that Rex has offered their services to Lilian as furniture removers. Still, it’s a cash deal and every little helps.
  • At Brookfield, David and Ruth prepare for the new arrivals. Ruth shows signs of getting cold feet. David tries to chivvy her along, but agrees that it’s all a bit scary. Josh appears offering his help and mentioning his meeting with the Fairbrothers. Ruth is concerned that his priorities need addressing. He does have his mocks coming up very shortly.
  • Amidst much hammering, Toby points out some hen house design features to Bert, who in turn is somewhat annoyed … grandmothers and egg sucking spring to his mind. They go outside to join Rex who’s discussing the new cattle with David and Ruth. Josh tries to get his meeting started, but Ruth embarrassingly asks the brothers not to keep him too long as he has revision to do. Bert offers to walk the new cattle round to the paddocks later on.
  • Josh offers advice on the choice of bird. Rex fancies a traditional animal but they are too pricey. They settle on a cheaper alternative from a Welsh supplier. Decent, upmarket egg boxes seem to be similarly expensive but Toby has an idea. They should look for a sponsor! Meanwhile, walking the new cattle to the paddock is not without its problems. David returns to help Ruth and Bert with some stragglers, leaving Pip to head the convoy.
  • Toby manages to thoroughly annoy Bert by asking for automatic pop-hole openers, avoiding the need for him to get up early and do it manually. Bert is adamant that it’s too late to alter the design brief. End of story! Josh calms things down and offers to give it some thought. In the sheds, David wonders if Phil would have seen the new herd as a retrograde step. Ruth is convinced that he wouldn’t. The prospect of starting milking tomorrow seems like a total nightmare to both of them.

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