Daniel finds fishing a bore. Mike finds dating a problem.

Radio Times: Brookfield comes under the spotlight.

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  • Mike’s having second thought about his two dates, but Hayley manages to win him round with advice on what to wear and what to say.
  • David’s annoyed because the tractor isn’t ready when they go to pick it up. Bert is so grateful to David for having it repaired that he offers a free day’s work. David gladly accepts.
  • Mike and Tony take Daniel, Jamie, Josh and Phoebe fishing, but Mike’s patience is sorely tested by Daniel, who moans constantly and then says he’s going home. They are rescued by Bert, who is out for a walk, and who offers to see Daniel home.
  • While David is held up at the tractor repairers, Ruth deals with the man from the Countryside Trust, who has come to check Brookfield out as a venue for school visits. He points out a number of possible hazards, but generally is satisfied that Brookfield will be suitable.
  • David tells Ruth the tractor cost £400. He would never have bought it if he’d known what expense it would incur. But Ruth says it served its purpose, and was worth every penny.

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