David begins to sound a bit more positive about robotic milking. Charlie says to look out for tomorrow’s Borchester Echo.

Radio Times: Adam is under pressure, and Susan is making odious comparisons.

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  • Susan continues to refuse to believe there is a link between the road and the digester despite Ruth pressing her point. Then Charlie pops into the shop to much eyelash fluttering from Susan. Susan tells him she thinks everyone should keep an open mind, which must be the first time in her life.
  • David and Ruth can’t believe Susan’s attitude. What does she see in him? David has a bit of hope that Lynda has discovered that part of route B goes through ancient woodland which might not help in itself but she is hoping to find some rare plant. Borchester Wildlife Trust are looking into it.
  • Ed has spilt coffee on the sofa and Susan grumpily clears it up. She then criticises him for the shirt he is wearing and tells him to buy a new one. Ed is stunned.
  • Charlie starts pestering Adam about the harvest and telling him he isn’t prepared. Then Ed turns up asking for work for the harvest and Adam uses the opportunity to point out that they are fully staffed. Charlie then takes the opportunity to take another dig at Debbie. Adam jumps to her defence. So Charlie’s next attack is on the autumn cropping programme. Even in that he says his expert says that Debbie’s cropping plan is too cautious and that they can up the cereals. He also tells Adam that the fight back starts tomorrow and Adam should look out for the Borchester Echo.
  • Ruth returns to her determination to get an option for the farm if the road goes ahead and she thinks robotic milking could be part of it. David begins to sound a little more positive and agrees to go to see it in action.

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