David fails to share Ruth’s enthusiasm. Helen fails to share Rob’s view on money.

Radio Times: Helen is left hanging on the telephone, and Rob comes to the rescue.

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  • Rob preens in front of the mirror before a day’s hunting, but Helen is more concerned with the bank statement that has just arrived. Rob ignores her and says he will cook tonight. Helen barely registers the offer, but hastily agrees to ring Ian again when Rob asks her nastily if she has heard from him yet.
  • David feels bad watching Ruth rehang a gate. She points out that there is plenty of paperwork to do, and he needs to ring Alistair about TB checks on the herd they are about to sell. David agreed to do that yesterday but failed to make contact. He snaps at Ruth when she tells him it needs to be done. Tom calls by in search of some missing pigs. Should he ask Eddie?
  • Helen leaves yet another message for Ian and seems unable to understand why he has not replied to any of her previous calls. She serves Jennifer at the shop, and hears that Lynda wants all the calendar girls to go to Karaoke at The Bull. She also hears, like the rest of Ambridge, about Phoebe’s Oxford application.
  • Shula is mounted on a new horse for the meet, but it proves a shade too lively for her, and Rob has to come to her rescue. The bridle is broken in the process so Shula has to go back to the stables, accompanied by super-hero Rob. How does he do it?
  • The Karaoke night proves very popular with both Shula and David offering their renditions of well-known songs. Ruth is still on a high, but does take note of Pip’s comment that David seems withdrawn. In her best soft voice she asks if he is all right. Snappily he points out that they have only just moved to autumn calving and now … Ruth urges him to talk to her. There is nothing to talk about, he replies moodily.
  • Helen tries Ian’s mobile yet again as Rob walks in. He has prepared an exotic meal for them, but Helen has no appetite, claiming that Pat cooked pasta for her. She toys with the food and Rob erupts in anger, throwing the food away. What is going on in your head? he demands. Helen says she is sorry, so sorry. She then tries to get Rob to talk about the bank statement, worried that he has withdrawn a large sum from the money Peggy gave them for a deposit on a house. Angrily Rob retorts that he wants to treat her like a queen; the Christmas necklace was a symbol of his love for her and she has thrown it in his face. Why does he bother? Helen says she is sorry, so sorry.

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