Debbie’s getting on very well with Simon and Jennifer’s softening toward Tommy’s predicament even if Brian isn’t.

Radio Times: Elizabeth toys with Nigel

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  • Simon visits Debbie at Home Farm and, while protesting, she is pleasantly surprised and while the cats are away (her parents are at the Royal Show) the little mouse uses the excuse of needing a replacement oil filter to go with him to Felpersham. Flat-hunting and a quick drink later and the two of them are getting on like a house on fire.
  • Lizzie and Nigel are going through his old toys and while they’re fabulous most are antiques and some are just dangerous (lead soldiers, for example). They’re still chuffed to bits and looking forward to their arrivals. Julia’s being almost human, although her knitting is showing, er, unique, esoteric and eclectic styling, and she’s like a cat on a hot tin roof whenever a phone rings. Louis, her new paramour, is deemed a Good Thing.
  • George is playing hard to get over his invitation to speak at the Game Fair, but while he, Brian and Jennifer meet at the Show, they chat and he’s obviously chuffed to bits. Brian’s a little surprised that, on William’s first day at the shoot, he’s been left with Greg, but George is confident in Greg’s abilities. A successful day’s stall-trawling for all concerned, although when Brian mentions planning to visit the Bialtech stall (the company who owned his trail GM crop), Tommy’s re-appearence before the beak tomorrow gets another mention and Brian, at Jennifer’s behest, feels sympathy for Pat and Tony, he can’t help feeling that Tommy’s plea of not guilty is rather exacerbating matters.