Ed has a successful day at market. Fallon’s received bad news that her flat may be under threat and Kenton goes on a bender.

Radio Times: Fallon feels vulnerable, and Toby prepares for a big night.

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  • David has delivered a new-born calf and never ceases to marvel at these momentous occasions. He and Pip express their concerns about how Ruth is coping as it doesn’t seem Heather will accept going into a home any time soon. He compliments Pip on the trackway plans and doesn’t know how they would have coped without her this year. She packs David off to his bed as he is running on empty and will be no good to Ruth on her return.
  • Ed and Tony are off to view cattle at market. Tony reins Ed in during the bidding process, to prevent him parting with his money unwisely. They return with three beasts, including one Angus and a Limousin. They celebrate with a pint at The Bull, where news of the building’s change of use has reached Fallon, which means her little flat which she loves so much is under threat.
  • Toby is persistent and again invites Pip for a night out. She declines this evening, again due to work and there being so much to do before Ruth returns tomorrow. Disappointed but ever the party animal, Toby meets with others in The Bull and offers whiskey chasers all round. Tony and Ed both decline but Kenton is only too pleased to drown his sorrows. He and Toby head off for a night out in Borchester where he contemplates running away, feeling such a failure and Jolene would be better off without him. Toby is only too willing to egg him on and act as his alibi.

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