Ed sees Ambridge win at cricket – until Will and George arrive.

Radio Times: It’s Home Sweet Home for Sam.

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  • Sam is back and full of holiday tales about all he has seen. The agency herdsman was OK but Ruth reckons he was short on charisma. (Would the cows notice?) When the kids discover that he is back, they bully him into finishing the tree house.
  • The Ambridge cricket team is doing well, thanks partly to their two new players. Fallon is a keen spectator but is also pleased to see Ed arrive; she had worked on him to come. He feels that everyone is looking at him. When Fallon points out the new players, especially Kev, Ed quickly sees that Fallon is not there just to help with the teas! Then it is all spoilt by the arrival of Will and George; Ed feels the need to be elsewhere.
  • Ruth delivers tea to the tree-house builder and they exchange compliments about their respective tans. But Ruth feels frumpy and is planning to treat herself to some new clothes.
  • Ambridge wipe the floor with Hollerton but not everyone is happy. Tony has been dropped from the team and Jolene is still unhappy about the prospect of Lilian buying new carpets.
  • Fallon calls at Keeper’s Cottage to check up on Ed and finds him enjoying a couple of beers in the garden; there being only two, he is not keen to offer her one! He is OK but needs to keep out of Will’s way – and George’s – and he has no wish to see Emma. Fallon need not worry about him: he will stay clean and sober and see his counsellor. He will be fine.

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