Ed wins allies in his milk business and in his new sheep shearing venture.

Radio Times: Jazzer is tempted, and Rob makes a friend.

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  • Great news! Ed has got his grant from the RABI; he delivers the news to David with the offer of a pint this evening. Right now he has a visitor: Rob is still doing the rounds of local dairy farmers. From the outset, Ed makes it clear he is opposed to the new scheme. Rob is impressed with the Guernseys and promises to send Ed information about the current top milk deals.
  • Considering he has a day off, Jazzer is in low spirits. Rhys invites him in for a coffee and tales of his fantastic weekend in Cardiff with Fallon. His assertion that he is one lucky guy evokes advice from Jazzer that he should not forget it, or take Fallon for granted. There is an ‘or else’ lurking in there somewhere.
  • Ed explains that the bottling plant is Mike’s and that he sells all his milk to Mike. Rob’s advice is to keep on top of his marketing. When Oliver joins them, Rob confirms that he can accept Oliver’s invitation to a day with the hunt – and supper afterwards.
  • It’s a slack night in The Bull. Rhys imparts the latest gossip to Nic: Lower Loxley needs £1million to stay afloat; it must right; it came from Bert. Not satisfied with encouraging Ed into sheep shearing, David now suggests that Jazzer does it too. Sheep shearers work in teams, so let’s do it. That lifts Jazzer’s mood, even to the point of buying David another pint. Steady on!
  • Ed is delegated to take Jazzer’s wallet to the bar where Nic encourages him to join in Will’s birthday celebration on Sunday. He is not keen but she shames him into it – if only for his mum’s sake.

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