Elizabeth’s plans receive a setback; the bank will not lend all that she needs.

Radio Times: Bert flexes his creative muscles and Elizabeth faces an uncomfortable meeting.

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  • It’s a big day for Elizabeth; she has an interview with the bank’s commercial relations manager to scrutinise her business plan for the dairy development. She explains that the plan is now for more weddings, augmented with conference business – no holiday lets. For this she needs £780K.
  • Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Bert has had a ‘brilliant’ idea – to write the script for their ‘day in the life of’ Uncle Rupert and the cook in rhyming couplets; Lewis is not keen and he vetoes the suggestion to put it to Elizabeth; she has weightier things on her mind.
  • Support is what Vicky needs and support is what Lynda is providing; she has done some washing, having first researched what powder Vicky uses, so that Beth’s clothes should smell like Vicky’s. A card arrives on the mat; it’s from Peggy. Vicky explains that she is probably feeling guilty after yesterday’s encounter. Lynda advises Vicky to focus on friends and family who care.
  • In short, the bank is concerned that Elizabeth is being over optimistic in her projections for increased future business. If she raises £300K, they will lend her the rest.
  • When Bert is free, Lewis diplomatically advises him that a professional company will be producing the audio for their new attraction. He hastily concocts a role for Bert – collecting suitable props for the exhibit and if Bert had been inclined to argue, Elizabeth’s return, looking wiped out, puts paid to it. How is she going to raise so much money?

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