Eddie takes a cover drive.

Radio Times: Eddie takes a cover drive.

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  • Eddie delivers a load of manure for Sid (who is out running), but Kathy is not too happy that he just dumps it in the Bull car park
  • Jennifer tells Pat about Matt trying it on with Debbie – she is worried about Debbie, and she seemed tense this morning. She also discusses it with Brian, drawing the similarity with Simon Pemberton, but Brian thinks that Debbie is more angry than upset about Matt. However, Brian does now have a card up his sleeve if Matt doesn’t tow the line.
  • Eddie has told David that he has a friend who might be interested in buying his car. He enjoys inspecting the car while David begins to realise that there probably is no friend. To David’s horror, Eddie starts the car and drives off at high speed to ‘test drive’ it. He tests the off-road capability and nearly hits Brian’s car (who is inspecting hedgerows for signs of mink) before David insists on swapping places for a more sedate drive back.
  • Helen arrives home for half-term a day early as a friend was able to give her a lift, and Pat is very pleased to see her. Helen has been thinking about her priorities, and has decided that she should be at home to support Pat at a difficult time. Pat just wants everyone to be able to get on together. Helen has decided to postpone her placement to Zimbabwe for six months, and while Pat is concerned about Helen’s career, she is obviously pleased that Helen will be around.

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