Elf World continues to cause trouble; Rob continues to cause trouble; the state of Grange Farm continues to cause trouble for Oliver.

Radio Times: Harrison doubts himself, and Rob is feeling generous.

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  • Elf World is still suffering from the muddy effects of the recent downpour. Eddie finds Joe moving the elf remnants to the cider shed. He’s going to use it as a hospital where visitors can see him fixing damaged elves, a sort of National Elf Service. Eddie isn’t convinced. At the cricket match, Harrison is having a crisis of confidence, even with Fallon there to offer support. With Alistair out for very few runs, Rob appears and offers Harrison some timely advice. Fallon absents herself. Wise woman!
  • Joe does a wonderful job of scaring the young visitors by taking the elves heads off. Bless him. Eddie returns bearing news that the electrician reckons Grange Farm needs rewiring. Joe reckons that their domestic woes are a result of the sycamore being felled; powerful dark forces are at work. Back at the match, Adam pulls off a good catch. Harrison uncharacteristically suggests that they indulge in a bit of sledging to put Darrington off. Elsewhere, Rob schmoozes round Fallon congratulating her on the success of the tea-rooms.
  • Eddie tries to console a family whose child has fallen over in the mud. The offer of free parking seems to go some way to restoring good customer relations. He receives a text from Clarrie; the power is on at last. Life can return to normal but Joes not so sure. What other horrors can the spirit of the sycamore bring down on their heads? Perhaps it is trying to do all it can to keep them at Grange Farm!
  • It’s an Ambridge win. Harrison accepts congratulations on his captaincy from Adam and Alistair. He calls Rob over saying that his ideas contributed to the team performance. Rob offers drinks on him at The Bull but suddenly, everyone goes to ground. Harrison has to nudge Fallon and offer a broad wink, saying that they have another engagement. Eventually, she catches on. Of course, Harrison shouldn’t be seen drinking with Rob for pretty obvious reasons.
  • Rob and Adam meet in the clubhouse. Adam refuses a further offer of a drink as Ian is waiting for him outside. “Bring him as well”, counters Rob. Adam replies firmly in the negative. He goes on to mention that it could be inappropriate as Ian is speaking for Helen at the trial. The news is greeted by hollow laughter from Rob who feels that Ian is incapable of uttering one honest word after another. He also adds that there is no act that Adam’s “so called” husband would not forgive. Rob has donned his true colours again. An unpleasant interlude.

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