Elizabeth has an admirer. Helen has a day off from Rob. Peggy has strong opinions to offer.

Radio Times: It is all the fun of the fair and Peggy has cause for concern.

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  • Half of Borsetshire is at Lower Loxley for the Easter Extravaganza, it seems. Richard Locke is hugely impressed with Elizabeth’s organisational skills, and more. He follows her about like a love-sick swain, but has a rival in the shape of Lilian, who is anxious to promote her Business Woman of the Year protégé to all and sundry, including the press.
  • The half of Borsetshire that is not at Lower Loxley seems to be at Bridge Farm, where Rob’s ‘Meet the Baby Animals’ is a roaring success – though maybe not quite as roaring as Emma and Fallon’s tea room, which has, to Peggy’s deep disapproval, sold out of Simnel Cake.
  • Helen seems more relaxed in the company of her mother and grandmother, though has a momentary panic when Henry disappears to look at a piglet. Luckily Johnny is on hand to help Henry summon up the courage to touch it. Peggy is in full-blown disapproving dowager mode; Henry is too old for a soft toy; Lynda and her pageant are quite beyond the pale; fancy Henry being scared of a piglet. Pat changes the subject rapidly.
  • Richard and Elizabeth talk about Nigel. He would have loved all that is going on at Lower Loxley. Yes, and he would have been very proud of you murmurs Richard fondly. Musing on the attraction of the merry-go-round and other childish pleasures, Richard plans to come back tomorrow. What can the attraction be?
  • Peggy waxes lyrical about the wonder that is Rob. Helen must be so proud of him. Unfortunately Helen thinks she means Henry. Helen fetches cake for Peggy, but is ‘too full’ to have any herself. Peggy expresses concern over Helen’s appearance – characteristically Helen flares up. Pat tries to calm the situation, and as she drives Peggy home, is treated to Peggy’s opinion: in her day women did not have hormones. They just rolled up their sleeves and got on with it. Pat tells her that Rob is concerned as to how Helen will cope with two children. Secretly she too is worried.

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