Elizabeth hears some encouraging news. David hears some sad news. Lilian hears some worrying news.

Radio Times: Lilian is feeling low and Roy keeps his fingers crossed.

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  • Roy is pleased to have had a rapid response to his quest for sponsorship. Someone from a local brewery is coming on Thursday to see the rare breeds and have lunch. Over coffee, Elizabeth talks over her other plans with Roy, and sings the praises of Ifty as a Maths. coach.
  • If Lower Loxley’s financial future is looking brighter, the same can never be said for Ed and Emma. Ed tries to talk to David as he helps load some livestock, but David is too busy. He says he will call in on his way back from the abattoir.
  • A chastened Lilian calls on Joyce, who is clearing out the house in preparation for her move to a flat. Lilian apologises for having missed Arthur’s funeral, and is surprised when Joyce comments that James’ accident must have made things difficult for her. It seems that Matt had told her. This news only heightens Lilian’s suspicions of Matt’s underhand doings. To make amends, she cooks lunch for Joyce, and makes her promise to get in touch if she ever needs anything.
  • David calls at Rickyard Cottage, and in some embarrassment, Ed and Emma tell him they will be giving up their tenancy and moving to Ambridge View. David is shocked but understanding, and assures Emma that this will not affect her job at Brookfield. He tells them how much he will miss them being just across the yard. As David leaves, Emma tells Ed that she knows this has not been easy for him, and is grateful to him. Ed assures her they will come out of it stronger than ever, will move the business on and get their own place again.
  • A depressed Lilian phones Paul and asks him to ring her. She needs to talk; things are not good.

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