Emma gets her way. Pip gets ride on a combine. Susan gets busy with party preparations.

Radio Times: Spencer tries to keep things together and asks Emma a favour.

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  • Susan is worried that the Christening party will not be perfect, so Clarrie offers to come after work and help Susan tidy up the garden. She mentions the fact that Alf is keen to come, an idea which does not instantly appeal to Susan, who is sure he will disgrace the party.
  • Emma is looking for help, too. She brings Keira over to Ambridge View, and browbeats Neil into making the best troll ever for George – and a goat to go with it, to ensure that George has the winning entry. Never one to stand up for himself where his womenfolk are concerned, Neil meekly agrees and goes off to fetch chicken wire and pliers.
  • Steve’s recent brush with the law has assumed epic proportions on his family farm. His mother is unable to face anyone, especially after hearing a nasty comment in the post-office, and his father is in a foul mood. But wooden Spencer offers equally wooden Pip a ride on the combine, where she is able to exclaim excitedly at the controls. Spencer feels that Pip’s parents will not want him around, but Pip assures him that they like him, and she still loves him. A truly wooden romance is in the air.

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