Emma is getting fed up with living hand to mouth. And Pip doesn’t get the loan she’d hoped for from David to buy new cattle.

Radio Times: David stands his ground, and Emma struggles on.

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  • Jill has been going to a show with Carole who has made her tip her coffee away. Carole thinks she is addicted to caffeine. Ruth, David and Pip have all noticed the yields are down. They’ll have to up the concentrate to get them back on track.
  • Emma is having to help out with the b&b guests though Eddie is suffering by reading the Snell’s b&b reviews, particularly when he reads that Robert has been giving bird watching tours. Emma tells Ed she is fed up with the guests. It puts everything out of sorts. Ed stresses that they need the money. Emma is going to say something but decides against it.
  • Pip asks Ruth and David if she can have a loan to buy more mob grazing cattle – maybe upping it from 15 to 20 or 25. David is surprised. She has the profits from last year. They didn’t think she’d need another loan. She was supposed to be building the business independently. Pip storms out slamming the door. David is fed up with young women storming out. Lily is cross with him for not having time for driving lessons. Ruth says this is on a different level but David thinks Pip has to learn her lesson.
  • Eddie has asked Jim to help with ornithology tours. He was willing to help as soon as he realised he’d be in competition with Robert. Ed is lambing. Even Emma can tell that all of the lambs are sickly. Ed says maybe things will look up. Emma says that’s how farming seems to be – always just hoping and waiting for Eddie’s schemes to make some money.
  • Pip is grateful that Ruth didn’t let on to David that she’d given her profits to Toby. And she’d used the management fee for income Pip is confident that Toby will pay her back but not in time to buy cattle for this year. Ruth asks what she is going to do. If Pip doesn’t buy cattle, David is bound to ask questions. Pip says she really doesn’t know.

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