Josh is finding it hard to find a place to work. Jill is becoming convinced she needs to give up caffeine and join an aqua fit class.

Radio Times: Alice spots an opportunity, and Josh gets in the way.

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  • Jill wants the kitchen table back. Josh insists he’s working. He suggests she has a cup of tea but Carole says she is addicted to caffeine so Jill has given up for a week. Josh thinks that is why she is grumpy but Jill says she just needs to get on with Ben’s birthday cake.
  • Alice is excited about the office move to the Berrow industrial units. She’ll be able to walk to work from home once they are there but until then she is really busy (so such a good company that they can’t afford a moving firm!). Brian is showing her over the new land. She is surprised at how willing he seems to be to accommodate Adam’s ideas. He also shows Alice the new area of woodland he is planning. Really mixed native species (though not ash). Alice, however, returns to the idea of Adam’s area. Shouldn’t they be looking at really targeted tech solutions? But Brian says that’s for the future.
  • David interrupts Josh making deals with Rex. He is interested in how much stuff he can get on the website. David is worried if he is keeping proper financial records and is impressed to see he is. David says he wants the office. Josh won’t move, he’s already been thrown out of the kitchen and dining room and won’t move to his bedroom. He wonders if David has given up caffeine too.
  • Josh ends up working in the tearoom. He’s taking over a table for four. Alice thinks he should order more than a coffee but Josh is more interested in selling a grain trailer. Alice wonders if he has even asked Fallon. Josh doesn’t care.
  • David disturbs Jill dozing and when she wakes up she realises she has forgotten Ben’s cake and an apple pie. Everything is burnt. She doesn’t understand why she fell asleep. She has a headache too and a nasty taste in her mouth. David suggests it is probably caffeine withdrawal. She is less than impressed with the herbal tea. David finds the leaflet Carole recommended for aqua fit. Jill hates the idea but David thinks it is a really good idea. Some light exercise with a good friend. And Carole was right about the caffeine. Jill should give it a go.

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