Enter the new Jazzer – spruced up and love-struck.

Radio Times: Jazzer reveals his softer side at The Bull.

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  • Ed and Mike are planning another visit to a Guernsey breeder but Ed fears that, by asking whether Vicky will accompany them, he might have triggered that very thing. Vicky later explains that she will be working and Ed struggles to hide his relief.
  • Ruth is up to her ears packing and leaving notes for the Grundys, so Usha decides that she should escape to the pub for an hour.
  • Fallon is quite definite that she is interested only in how her new lead guitarist plays; she doesn’t fancy him. This seems to please Jazzer, who has noticeably spruced himself up; furthermore he declines the offer of a pint from Mike because, he explains, he is cutting down. Also he is entering the quiz this evening if he can muster a team; he readily recruits Mike and Ed, who really cannot believe this new Jazzer. They narrowly avoid having Vicky on board too; she is steered towards forming a girls’ team with Ruth and Usha.
  • Jazzer turns out not to be a great asset; his mind is clearly not on the job. He wonders whether others have noticed how Fallon looks ‘shinier’ than usual.

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