Fallon and Harrison have a misunderstanding. Jim plans to oppose the digester.

Radio Times: Fallon goes shopping, while Jim gets ready for a fight.

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  • Pat invites Kenton to accompany her to the open day presentation on the anaerobic digester. Kenton has a great excuse – he is going to Paris for the weekend – but he suggests Jim as a substitute. Shula comes to see Kenton to wish her twin a happy birthday. She despairs of Alistair when she hears about the Paris excursion; Shula only received flowers that Dan ordered from the internet.
  • Harrison Burns takes Fallon to see another vehicle. It’s a classic Morris van which is beautiful but why is it so cheap?
  • Over birthday drinks, Shula gives news of Christopher. Jim comes in with birthday greetings and asks Shula if she liked his present of a book of verse. Shula is a bit confused and then realizes that Alistair hasn’t passed it on. Shula tells Jim that she will see him at the planning meeting that night. Why isn’t Alistair taking her out for a birthday celebration? Jim despairs of his son’s thoughtlessness.
  • The Morris van is a bargain but Fallon still doesn’t have the funds. Harrison points out that she will get something for the VW even in its poor condition. When talking about Freddie’s arrest, Fallon teases Harrison about Elizabeth’s crush. The teasing gets a bit out of hand when Fallon pushes to know if Harrison plans to ask Elizabeth out. Harrison asks if Fallon doesn’t want to see him anymore. She claims to be very busy. A disappointed constable asks to be let out on the road since he is on duty later.
  • At the evening tactical session among the digester opponents, Pat wonders if BL think the preoccupation over Road B will divert village attention from the digester. Jim ponders a way to throw Charlie Thomas off balance.

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