Fallon becomes concerned about Helen; Lynda’s relationship with Charlie hits a new low: Charlie’s news of the dog corpse could prove problematic.

Radio Times: Charlie makes a discovery, and Fallon feels the warmth at Woodbine.

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  • Fallon and Harrison are preparing the flat for tonight’s housewarming party when Emma arrives in a state. She has been accosted by Lynda on The Green and made to sign her petition asking for Berrow Farm to be closed down. However Charlie turned up and there’s now a full-blown argument underway.
  • Lynda is being very vocal; living conditions at the unit have caused animal suffering. The whole enterprise is dangerous, immoral and should be shut down. Rational argument fails; Charlie snaps and wishes that she could be shut down. Adam turns up in the nick of time and Lynda struts off. Adam suggests that as Ian is away and he is going to the housewarming, perhaps Charlie would care to escape from his troubles and stay overnight at Honeysuckle Cottage.
  • At the party, Helen tells Fallon of the shop refurbishment delay. She’s concerned about its effect on the Tea Room; Helen refers her to Rob for an update. Fallon wonders why. It’s still Helen’s business, isn’t it? Later, Adam speaks of Rob’s increasing interest in project management, redesigning the shop’s kitchen himself and saving money. A worried Fallon leaves Harrison to tell the story of how Rob tried to warn Berrow management of future problems, but with no success.
  • Fallon finds Helen standing outside and expresses surprise that she’s retreating from the shop project. Helen insists that she still has a handle on things and that Rob stepping into the breach has taken a lot of the day-to-day worry off both her and Tom. Though it’s not how they planned things, Rob not going immediately into other employment has worked out well. He’ll do a brilliant job.
  • Adam heads home. Emma tells Fallon that Helen and Rob have just left, at Rob’s insistence. Fallon finds this all very odd; somehow Helen seems very different. Emma blames any change on her pregnancy. Fallon’s not convinced. Outside, Adam bumps into Charlie who has good news. Botulinum has been found in a silage clamp. The bad news is that a putrefying corpse was also found in the clamp; more specifically, the pelvis and back leg of…a dog. Oh no!

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