Pip has ideas for the marketing of Brookfield; the Grundy web site goes live; Pip’s graduation is a sweet and sour affair.

Radio Times: It’s a bittersweet day for Pip, and Emma is ready to move on.

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  • Pip and David discuss her ideas for adding value to Brookfield meat by selling to the new Bridge Farm shop. As David suggests that they get ready for Pip’s graduation, the mixer wagon goes bang – probably the gearbox. David storms into Brookfield to call the engineer just in time to find as Emma handing in her notice to Ruth.
  • At Keepers Cottage, Eddie finds Joe experimenting with Clarrie’s mascara, darkening his eyes in readiness for the Lower Loxley ghost walks. Eddie reminds him that they’re due at Emma’s shortly to view the new web site. But no sooner does he leave the room than he’s back again, in a terrible state … Clarrie’s “cascara” won’t wash off!
  • As Ruth pins the graduand’s hair up in preparation for the ceremony, David comes in with the good news that Bert will attend to the engineers visit in the afternoon. The bad news is that the company may not keep the part in stock. A final check and at last, everyone’s ready to go.
  • At Ambridge View, Eddie’s well pleased with Emma’s efforts with the web site. A grotesque Joe appears wearing Susan’s best coat and manages to scare Keira to death. Eddie has been somewhat economical with the truth about the family’s history for the web site. Nevertheless, they agree to make the most of the available “facts”. Emma presses the button, and the site is published.
  • It’s photograph time at the graduation but David worries about the news that they will be without the mixer wagon for a week. Ruth chivvies him along. Worry about that later, for now it’s smiles all round. Amidst much cheering and congratulation, Ruth gives Pip Heather’s gift. The card looks forward to them spending more time together, and the gift, a silver fountain pen, is inscribed “With love and pride. Granny”. Ruth adds that they are all very proud. A poignant moment.

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