Helen gets into a panic at the shop when the environmental health officer visits and bursts into tears.

Radio Times: Will makes his point at the Bull and there is a surprise visitor at Ambridge Organics.

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  • It’s been Mia’s first day at school. Nic was more upset than she was. Harry has been at the school supporting his sister on his nephew’s first day. Nic is hoping that she might be able to do more lunchtime shifts at the Bull but William is very reluctant.
  • Helen is having problems with their distributors for the Food Open Day. Kirsty is resigned but Helen is less than impressed. Plans are well advanced when they have a visitor from Environmental Health. The temperature in one of the chiller cabinets is too high. So Helen gets into a panic – especially when the record book doesn’t turn up. She bursts into tears and says she is so tired and now she is worried about the test as well. Tom and Kirsty send her home for an early night.
  • Will is obviously suspicious about who Nic is meeting at the Bull and so turns up with the children pretending Mia is missing her which Mia innocently says she isn’t. Doesn’t stop Will taking the opportunity to point out forcefully to Harry what a happy family they all are.

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