Henry goes off on holiday with Pat and Tony despite Rob telling Henry he doesn’t have to go.

Radio Times: Henry is waved off to the beach, and Ursula has a suggestion for Rob.

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  • Carole bumps into Anna after an early run. She’s already had a call with Helen. Helen opened up a bit more than she has, even though Anna is disappointed that “the witness” yesterday wouldn’t agree to testify. Carole is picking roses that she is sure Bert wants for the flower and produce show. It seems like there is going to be a war of the roses. Anna listens vaguely but says she needs to pack so she can go home after lunch.
  • Ursula calls Rob to say she could come for the week while Henry is away. Rob says no. Henry wonders why Rob is sad. Why can’t Rob come on holiday too? Rob says because Pat and Tony didn’t invite him so poor Daddy will be left at home alone. Henry wonders what he will do on his own. Rob says he has to write an important letter to tell important people that Rob, Henry and Gideon all want to live together. Henry says “and Mummy too” but Rob is clear that Mummy won’t be there. Henry wants to know if Mummy will be in Wales but Rob insists that Mummy will have to stay in prison for a long time. Henry loses interest and says he wants to go to the beach.
  • Later, Carole finds Anna on the sofa half asleep. Carole says again that Anna should stay rather than go home. Anna fights back but does agree to go to have a proper nap.
  • Johnny tells Kirsty how excited Pat and Tony are about going away with Henry. Tony was even asking for views on his swimming trunks. They are far too tight but Johnny is too diplomatic to say so. While they are in the tea room, Henry arrives with Rob and Johnny rushes out to see him. Kirsty and Johnny wave the three of them off. Kirsty says how happy Henry was. Rob claims children can hide sadness behind a smile. Kirsty says to Johnny separately that she’d heard Rob whisper to Henry that he didn’t have to go if he didn’t want to. Daddy would take him to a better beach. Henry said he wanted to go with Granny and Grandad. Kirsty is glad that Henry is safe for a week. She and Johnny discuss whether Helen will get off. Kirsty is sure she will but Johnny isn’t sure about the justice system.
  • After her nap, Anna does agree to stay with Carole. She then finds she has had a call from Max. They are having dinner on Thursday. Anna definitely becomes more cheerful. She wonders if Max is having second thoughts. Along with getting Helen aquitted, she can’t think of anything she would like more.
  • Rob then takes a call from Ursula. She knows how difficult it is. He is like a father to Henry. Rob insists he is a father to him and that Henry was devastated to go. Ursula asks if he told Henry to keep his chin up. Rob says yes, just like Ursula did every time she dropped him off at prep school. Rob says, since Ursula will be on her own, she can come if she wants. Ursula says she will check the train times straight away.

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