Home Farm’s standards are dropping and David is not impressed.

Radio Times: David’s not impressed.

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  • Eddie is leaving Ed to finish Mr Pullen’s pond on his own. Maybe the responsibility is just what he needs. At least he’s got back in the habit of working. Eddie found Jazzer eating nettles in the churchyard yesterday – really quickly. He’s persuaded him to enter the contest. Should be an easy win. They just need to focus on someone else as the likely winner to distract interest. Mike Tucker would be a good choice with thick skin like his – they just need to think of a subtle way of doing it. And in the meantime, Roy and Tom have entered too.
  • Adam is getting into work on the farm. The deer inspection had gone well. Now he just needs to learn to work the combine. He will even do the annual overhaul to save a bit of money. Eddie in the meantime want to bail hay at Brookfield but its wet! David is less than impressed.
  • Lynda is still suffering from Joe pestering about the message board. He’s using Lynda as a method of getting out their story of Mike Tucker being the sure winner of the nettle eating competition by persuading her it must be kept a secret.
  • David is pretty cross with Brian. The potatoes have got blight. Brian tries to apologise but David isn’t having anything of it. These things wouldn’t have happened before. Is Home Farm working to a different standard these days?

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