Jennifer is worried that Brian is rushing ahead with plans to change Home Farm.

Radio Times: Eddie looks for a gap in the market.

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  • Shula is still a bit sensitive about her new car when Lillian pops by. Lillian also notices that things aren’t right between Shula and Alistair but Shula won’t talk about it.
  • Eddie is struggling a bit with selling his statues. People don’t seem interested in them anymore. He may have saturated the market. Maybe he needs to strike out and find something new – a unique selling point.
  • Tom is making another attempt at getting a pitch at the Borchester Show. He is going to have a go at the President. His meeting went well and he’s doing well with the venison sausages too. Moving out of Brian’s shadow at last. Jennifer is worried that Brian is rushing ahead with Debbie’s plans without thinking them through. He wants to rush in on cashing in on the machinery – although why that’s a rush escapes her. Peggy is trying to drum up interest in Fallon’s show – ticket sales are a bit slow.
  • Lillian and Joe are reminiscing about traditions withering away, especially at the Bull and the May Day celebrations. But perhaps they don’t need to after all…..

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