Jess’s party doesn’t go to plan.

Radio Times: Helen feels apprehensive and Jennifer makes things worse.

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  • It’s the night of the Titcheners’ party and as they prepare for it, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Jennifer arrives early to help which causes Rob to switch from uncooperative nastiness to full-on smarminess. Through gritted teeth he agrees to try to have a nice evening.
  • Meanwhile Helen and Kirsty are preparing to deliver the food; they are planning to get away as soon as possible and go for a drink at The Bull.
  • Already Caroline has noticed that something is amiss with the hosts but is very complimentary about Jess’s beautifully dressed salmon – too perfect to touch. On Oliver’s behalf she asks if Rob will be joining the hunt; his smarmy response is positive. Jennifer too has sensed the atmosphere and assumes that Jess is under pressure and is in need of help with the food, so when Helen and Kirsty arrive she dragoons them into helping to serve it.
  • Rob is surprised to be offered a top-up by Helen and he immediately seeks out his wife for a row about it. There is more friction evident when the guests start to leave prematurely and need their coats; Caroline thinks Jess is crying. As they drive away, Kirsty is critical of Rob but Helen points the finger at Jess for the tension in the household.
  • At the end of the evening, the beautiful salmon has proved as untouchable universally as it was to Caroline earlier. On the way to the freezer Jess manages to drop it; Rob’s outburst at this sight sends Jennifer scurrying away. Rob pours himself an extremely large whisky and makes it plain that clearing away from her party is entirely down to Jess.

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